Jun 01, 2007 19:57
My annoyedness at my placement partner Adam has reached critical mass, so now, naturally, I must bitch about it on lj to drain some of the venom :)
Basically, he's very polite and all, but he treats me like I have the plague or cooties or something. He won't sit with me on the bus, and if we go to lunch together he sits diagonally across from me (ie as far away as possible.) He says as little as possible. We cannot have a conversation, because he blanks me. Every time I offer him something, ie something to do, he brushes me off. He won't even eat breakfast in the same room as me.
Fine, if you don't like me, whatever. But this - this nothing, that really annoys me. I'd rather people disliked me to my face, frankly. At least that way I can accept it and move on. We're here for three weeks - two gone already - just the two of us, and I would occasionally like someone to hang out with, okay? You never know, we might actually have things in common if you bothered to find out. Or we could at least watch a movie or something. I went to see PotC3 ON MY OWN because he said he'd go but I was pretty sure he wasn't going to get around to it.
*sigh* I haven't said anything, because I REALLY don't need that kind of hassle. You just know if I do say something he'll not only take it the wrong way but tell everyone else in my class and spin me as a whiny bitch. That'll be great for future placements.
At least I've got Myv for my next one. And also, today's wordcount: 692 words.
real life