(no subject)

May 31, 2007 20:08

A few things at random today:

  • Seriously, have you been following the fanlib saga? It is all kinds of crazy, funny and worrying, and if you're a fandom person you really should at least read one of the many good summaries of the events so far.

  • Saw this old man today, this would be his recruitment advert: Have scary beard, will travel.

  • Anyone feel up to some beta work on some of my original stuff at the moment? There's only one thing probably that's live and long enough to bother with, but I'm actually thinking it might be useful to get someone to look at some of my other ongoing projects, see if they can get a bit of a jumpstart from a fresh pair of eyes.

  • If you haven't heard about Strikethrough 2007, it's basically LJ getting bitched at by child protection vigilantes and then banning a load of fandom journals instead of the actual paedophiles' journals, including pornish_pixies, one of the oldest HP fan archives. Four years worth of stories gone. It looks to be resolving itself slowly, but I'd still go and join fandom_counts. It's a comm with no posts, you just have to join it to add your name to the list of fannish people on lj who are basically paying the banninators' wages. Also interesting just from a personal point of view, getting an idea of how many of us there really are :)

  • Seriously, del.icio.us account. You are getting too big now, you are embarrassing me >-<;;

    ETA: hey, look, pornish_pixies is back! Yay, lj!
  • del.icio.us, fandom, writing

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