
Jun 16, 2011 12:48

Have been obsessed with getting the garden in shape this year. We finally took the plunge and made raised beds for the veg garden in the back. It was a lot of work for two fat older people, but I think it will have been worth it. The really hard part was getting the ground dug up and weeded out, hacking and digging out the phlox and day lilies which had been taking over arable land for several years.
There is still much work to do in getting things simplified and manageable, but head way is being made.
Earlier this year we had the lilacs next to the alley taken down, due to harassment from the city garden police. We still have to finish killing the old dears off, but once we do, we'll have the strip of chain link taken down and a tall wooden fence put up in its place. Meanwhile, it seems kinda nekkid back there. The cats hate it.

The rain garden lost a few plants over the winter, but the Metro Blooms people gave us replacements and another load of hardwood mulch. It's heartening to see how well it's doing, otherwise. Lots of people have participated in this project in our neighborhood..

Wiscon was wonderful. It's always a refreshment to the soul. Convergence is coming up soon. I'm on a couple of panels, which I'd better get cracking on. John Rezmerski is one of the guests of honor this year at Diversicon, and I'm writing a bio for him. It should be great fun.
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