Oct 05, 2010 16:54
I feel like someone's pushing me through September and October with a giant broom. I keep swearing I'm going to find some time to do something other than leap from the on-coming bristles, but except for the opera the other night, and my poetry group, swoosh.
The opera was pretty good: Orpheus and Eurydice by Gluck, with a superb counter tenor, and I thought, excellent staging. We went to Sakura afterward. Decent tea, miso soup and a well made roll of sushi is quite restorative.
At work we are in the middle of Fall semester rush, with questions coming from people in person, on Chat, on email, and the phone, frequently all at once. Exciting, but tiring. This is probably the last of the good fall weather and it's frustrating to be inside when it's so gorgeous outside. It's probably worse for the students, poor things.
Ah well, soon it will be winter and I'll be moaning about that.