Some new commissions

May 01, 2009 10:36

So, finished up a couple of cat rock portraits this week for some dear friends of mine, Linda and Homer Hickam.  Yes, THAT Homer Hickam....

Click HERE to read about the famous author I know, ha!

And, Linda, his lovely wife, does work for one of my favorite rescues here in the area, Forgotten Felines.

Click HERE to see many of their wonderful cats for adoption...

Both Linda and Homer dearly love the kitties in their care, and I am lucky to call them my friends and so fortunate they have entrusted me with doing some portraits of these two cats of theirs.  Mango, an orange tabby,  is a former feral rescued by the Forgotten Felines folk, and captured Linda's & Homer's hearts and is living the good life now.  Not sure if you can see it in this photo, but Mango has a clipped ear and I painted it as such.  If you aren't aware, many cats that are considered un-adoptable in feral colonies are trapped and neutered, then released back into their colonies.  To make it easier to tell if they have been neutered, during the neuter surgery an ear is tipped.  Luckily for Mango, he is a mush of a boy and has no need for the wilds any more.

Bobby, the other cat I painted for them, had been hanging around their home for a while before they could tame him and bring him inside.  Unfortunately, before his taming process was complete, he met an un-timely end.  But, very fortunately for him, he got to experience what many feral cats do not, warmth and love and kindness thanks to the overflowing hearts of the Hickams.


Mango                                                                                                    Bobby

It's funny, I've heard from clients in the past that sometimes the subject of my rock portraits will hang out with their rock.  I witnessed that first-hand recently as I moved a large rock portrait I have of 2 of my cats cuddling, Cassady and Pablo, underneath one of my work tables in my studio.  And one day as I was painting, I looked down to see Pablo hugging his rock portrait.  But then, I've always known this big beautiful boy has been stuck on himself...


grey tabby, art studio, artist, art, rescue, rock, orange tabby, painting, stone, portrait, feral, cat

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