Jan 30, 2022 15:01
I hear from Baen that the next novel will be published in October, too late, alas, for worldcon in Chicago which I intend to attend. Maybe the concom will let me do a reading from it.
Meanwhile, I'm revising the final copy under a new editor, who hasn't read any of the previous books. I'm not sure how this will work out. At this point, I doubt if I'm picking up many new readers. (Thoughts on this?) Would like to, of course, but this is hardly the point at which I would advise anyone to join the series. I still see the next book as the last.
Re: said book, I just discovered that I have a lot of new LJ postings on Kindrie of which I was unaware. I try to answer most posters. If I haven't gotten to you yet, please be patient.
Then the questions: I asked about gout before. Yes, it's caused by crystallized uric acid in joints, but what does this look like when melted? (Asking in connection with Kindrie's soul-image encounter with Caldane.)
Also this: have I ever differenciated between Highborn and Kendar berserkers? My thought was that it was a Shanir trait, but how does that explain Harn? A touch of Highborn blood?