May 23, 2005 22:07
Hokay, so hopefully I'll get a job at Sonic. Here's hopin'! And there's one more random thing in my life. I knew about it, but yeah...totally random...urgh!
Anyways, it's become routine to drink this tea that I got in Willy-world before I left. It's called "Tastes of Summer". It's really good. It's got orange peel, strawberry pieces, rose petals, and marigold petals in it. Very relaxing.
Okay, so I can't stop talking about the love of my life. People ask and I don't hesitate. *shrug* What can I say? Phantom of the Opera, Young Frankenstein (sort of), and "Pirates of the Carribean" (heh heh heh) "I kissed a drunk girl..." but I wasn't drunk, I swear! P.S- Those were mine... I win... and TONY LIVED!!! That made me happy.
Can't wait to be back in Willy-world with my bestest friend in the whole wide world and roommate, Pip. The sunset on the riverfront was perfect along with the deal we got at the convenient store. Heck Yesssss! "Stop it! That's not the way you skateboard!" Our apartment, regardless of where it is, is gonna be the coolest hangin' out place ever! Dinner party, anyone? I'm having Jimbo withdrawl! I'm missing all of the in depth conversations on love, sex, and the meaning of life! Come on! I feel like I'm wasting away here!
The places I'll go, the people I'll see, the things I'll do... all with you! (I'm a poet and I didn't even know it...) Sky-diving, still? It's up in the air! haha no pun intended...