Structure and Discipline [Questions for the Readers]

Nov 02, 2012 14:24

[entry code: Questions for the Readers]

I was looking on here for something else, but it gave me a question. How many people feel like they could do with some (self) discipline? How many consider joining the military for it? Does it work?

I need it. I've though this before. I didn't think it was a common reason. But just look at that website. Granted, they are people who supposedly have ADHD answering a question about joining the military, so that's not an indicator that it's a common thought. I think it's too late for me to join, which is unfortunate, because if grad school applications go south, I'm in a bit of trouble. And I have been having difficulties these past few days with applications - external difficulties, not just emotional/motivational ones.

That was one major problem I had, was ADHD/meds. They answered that. And Don'tAskDon'tTell has been repealed. There's one more issue...but I think I can 'excuse' myself on it if I wanted to. But it's still probably too late to apply, and I have 'Fox' still possibly coming to America so I don't want to create any unnecessary variables regarding where I'll be living.

Anyway, bad day today so far. It must be if I'm considering the military again. It's not that the military is terrible to work with - it's just I don't approve with the U.S.'s recent military history; plus the route I remember I'd have to take was pretty risky (I was going to go for a psychology para-technician, but I could very easily been made a grunt of some sort, I think).

I'm smart. I can do what's in front of me. I just need it to be in front of me - ya know? Having to look for the necessary materials, to even look for a list of those necessary materials, is just ...hard.

structure, questions for the reader, discipline, military

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