Mar 29, 2013 17:27
So, life has been difficult. And I'm still in transition. I moved from my brother's to my parents', and got a job (two, actually, in succession). My current job is full time and far away, and as I don't have a car, that means two hours to get there, with the help of my dad, and 3.5 to get home.
I'm still working on how to use that time wisely. The other day I thought I'd try writing the next chapter of the My Little Pony fic...althought I think it'd be the third 'chapter' while you still haven't seen the second. Oops.
Also, it's unedited. This is everything I wrote with my iphone and i'board. Without looking. I got some stares and comments the first time I tried, so I just sat farther back in a less conspicuous seat. Dont worry - I'll edit and repost with the second chapter later on. Anyway, here it is! (i think i misremember the appropriate code though...)
[entry code: chapter story]
This could be both an expensive and silly-looking habit. Hm.. Let's try
Kelly logged back in as soon as he got home, and it was like he'd never left. Except SkySoar was gone. For a few minujtes, he just took in the view - the pebbles, rocks, carved dirt, and faint effervessence about the area. The pear-shaped cave.
And his task was to get out. His FIRST task.
Well, he had a horn, for mnagic. And amid his directional buttons, he had two function keys, like the A and B on a nintendo joystick. For a moment, he played with the keysl - forwards, back, tturn...all rather straightforward. Jump. ...manipulate? FHe couldn't figure out the last key. First time, it was a pick-up button., A rock raised in his hoof. The second time, though, he'd managed to get the rock to levitate; and th ethird, he'd kicked the rock. It seemed variable...but one what?
Five minutes into his experimenting, he fig gave up. The key was the action button -0 but he couldn't figure out what the action was FOR. When he attempted to jumpkick, he kicked; when he attempted to move, he moved, and when he attempted to throw, he threw. He hadn't yet gotten any "items," aside from the nearby rocks and pebbles, but he suspected thaat many more options were before him. Was this the sorta game where you just clicked \everything to see if it were interactable? "Took" everything to see if it were a potential inventory item? If so, it could be interesting...but also lend itself to a terrible potential for grind.
Kelly'd played those old detective games, afterall whereyou were supposed to find the clues before you navigated way fromt he screen.
Still. He now felt that he could potentially do anyhthing - but how to get out? The hole was still way above his brony's head. (and, behoynd this, he could make out nothing).
KellUpon Kelly's command, Kelly's brony threw a rock at the ceiling - his brony could actually aim with the use of Kelly's own subtle facial movements, which Kelly found impressive. He wondered if this feature ever made playing difficult - if he were sitting differently the next time o rif he were trying to multi-task. But For now, it made aming easy and hightly controllab.e controllable. And so he tried again, aiming for the hole.
Echoes. And kelly couldn't help but marvel at the sound as well as the visuals. Nice, realistidc, acoustic echoes.
One more, a heavier rock, towards the hole. OddlInterestingly, all three throws were physical, a rock picked up in his comically large hooves, and thrust forwards like a basketball. He wondered breifly why this time there was no kicking or 'magic,' and perhaps why there why this rock fell short. Well, it was a larger rock. Game physics.
He looked around though and couldn't find a better rock - he'd been hoping maybe to chip the hole larger, or send down a small avalanche that he could climb up, but if he couldn't find a larger rock...h
He tried the rock again, just willing the rock to go farther, with more strength. Yeah, it was a silly idea - try the same thing twice and expect -
But oh! it worked! Beautifullly!Chipping into the side of the hole, where apparently the rock-walll was quite thin, had led to a cascade of rocks, and more rocks from behind, until a small ramp lead up half-way, along with billows of smoke and the speckled bouncing of tiny pebbles about the ponypad's screen. Nice!'d teh game-physics explain that?
Well. He'd made it anyway. He urged his pony forwards to see if it was high enough. His pony coughed amongst the dust, and the screen faded a out a few times while his pony blinked...and he saw he was still a pony's height short from his goal (specifically, his pony's eight).
"You know,"" called a familiar voice, "your test was suposed to be about MAGIC."
SkySoar. Well. Okay, the pegasus had a point. He wasn't sure how to use magic, but he looked about for something to push up, and eventually his pony's eyes landed upon the very rocks behieath him. Could he...well that rock was kinda large and flat - he edged onto it carefully and focused on "throwing" the rock, bsince he still didn't have an idea of how to "magic."
BAAnd it magic'ed.
Minutes later, he'd made it out the hole. But he hadAnd, he felt quite confused...but SkySoar was greeting him, a slight frown on his face.
"You know I've been waiting here for ever. Don't you have a sense of couretesty?F"
W"Do I get a reward for completing the quest faster?"
"Quest?" repeated SkySoar? ? What are you talking about? I told you : I'm here to escorthelp you to Celestia. I was a bit more keen back when I'd first met you, with that kind filly. What's your deal?"
Kelly and his pony said nothing, though at least the pony had the commony courtesty to look abashed. Silently the pegasi began walking towards the mountains and mountains, and Kelly urged his avatar to follow. He had a lot to think aboutt - like why 'upsetting' the AI was making him uncomfortable, and how the game could mimic such n systems naturally. Communicaion, sound, geography, movement...he'd expected to be amazed, as this game WAS supposed to be cutting edge - but he didn't expect to be amazed at every single every single aspect.
This is what people were truly looking for when they looked to video games for escapism, wasn't it? For something truly better? Not just to pretend or to ignore flaws, or to leave their life for a while - as that's why even with game addictions, the addict nwas never fully removed - but for the game experience to ACTUALLY BE better? AnNot pretend-better?
Or...was this why he'd been putting off gaming to begin with?
The mountain ls loomed before him closer and closer - apparently because a pony could travel quiite a bit faster than any biped, and he'd inaccurately estimated the time-of-travel in this...virtual world, he reminded himself. He supposed his speed could really just be enhanced, to promote an ease anin gameplay experience. Regardless, The pearly qhite castle loomed before him, and before he could take in the views, SkySoar had taken him up the grand palace stairway, down the throne room, to an ornate gold-and-scarlet meeting room, where the soul illumiation was from Q Princess Celestia he Herself.
"Yes, indeed, she answered."
"And you are hr? I mean, she? The AI of this game?"
For a moment, the princess si the Princess sighed. Good day, seeker." She sounded booming, magnificent, effortlessly in control...yet somewhat resigned.
"But it's you?" Kelly persisted.
"Yrd, iy id mr, though you seem to misunderstand somewhat my nature. I am not the only entity here, neither a in Equestria, neither am I the only intelligence. Equestria is filled with Friendship and Ponies. "
He simply gazed at her for a moment, before he continued , before he continued. And somehow you give me a name...I don't understand this part. Why can I not be Kelly/."
"I have given you you're name. I have witnessed youo and your entrancr into Equestria, and like many promising ponies, you are bright, flexible, and adventurous. And just as you have, many have come to me eagerly, to ask about my "AI"". Of which I'll speak to you in a bit. But not so many have had the attitude that y- [not attitude] the more subtle language that you've given. You don't seem to accept my world."
"Oh, I do. I think it's amazing - it's by far surpassed my expectations!"
"And yet, you treat it like any other. What of SkySoar, who so earnestly wants to be your friend?"
"But he isn't r real. I...I suppose he's an extension of you, isn't he?"
For a moment, hte Princess seemed to consider him, to loom over him in cos pony in contemplation of which tact would be best. Perhaps the game skipped, or froze a second. But then she continued. "We will talk again, Seeker. And I know you will live up to your name. I hope we become good friends, and thatwe come to know each other welll. I just ask that you take into consideration the rules of my land."
"Of course," Kelly agreed. He couldn't help but feel that he was being admonished, slightly, but he wasn't sure what for.
"Equestria is hre for you, to satisfy your values through friendship and ponies. Remember this.
Kelly's pony nodded, though Kelly hadn't - this was just the line from the game's packaging, its public relations.
"And, if you haven't noticed already, please remember that you are in Equestria - you needn't refer to thianything from outside o fhere,w hile you visit us. AI, humans, anything of that naure."
"And that's all. Please, make yourself at home."
And in a brilliant flash, lasting abotu ten seconds, the Princess'es radiance filled the screen, followed by a blackout.
The screen had turned itself off.
Half heartedly, Kelly attempted to turn the ponhypad on again, but really, he was done for the day. He needed sleep, to prepare for the next morning's classes and homework, and such. But his sleep filled with the unanswered and unasked questions...
story fic,
chapter fic,