Apr 21, 2007 16:31
I was just modded on GameFAQs for making this topic:
Differing character sprites?
Looking at Serebii's pages on Friend List codes, it appears the two friends he's got don't use the normal trainer sprites...
Is this something similar to earlier games, where your ID number and gender determined, for example, your Union Room sprite? And your Secret Base sprite?
I know that in-battle it still always shows the usual (and sadly, dorky, but that's another issue) sprites... but I'm wondering if there really are different sprites for things like the Battle Tower wifi, or for other players added as Friends or whatnot.
Anyone have any more details on this? If you've played the Japanese version and used WiFi, I'd love to hear the details of it.
I'd hate to have to restart to get a decent WiFi trainer if I didn't realize it differed until midway through the game, like I had to do with my earlier games XD
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*contests it* >:O