A continuation of last post's meme.
Comment to this post and I will give you 5 subjects/things I associate you with. Then post this in your LJ and elaborate on the subjects given.
1. Demon characters, yet you being a Christian. (I won't give you Christianity as one of the five since I think other people did. XD)
2. JacK
3. Furcadia
5. TFD!
1. Demon Characters, yet being Christian. I was raised in a very extremely conservative Christian home, where nearly everything that wasn’t good and wholesome was forbidden. I lived under this shadow for the majority of my life, until I realized and came to the understanding that, for example, Dungeons and Dragons isn’t going to make me want to kill myself or engage in satanic rituals. Granted, some people might become obsessed with the game to the point of feeling this way, but I hardly think D&D would be the sole reason for such extreme behavior. D&D makes people commit suicide and genocide no more than video games do. This is just one example of the many things I’ve had to grow into and understand as I’ve matured into an adult over the past couple of years. Demon characters are one of these areas, though I never felt ‘right’ about calling them demons. My conscience niggled at me every time I made a new demon character or talked about one. Evan and I have come to a mutual agreement that we will no longer have demon characters (of which we had many), but we would instead make a new race for them called maledikts; immortal creatures with demon-like qualities, but not all of them are evil. In fact we have quite a few maledikts who are good-hearted and generous, something demons surely are not. Yeah, maybe we’re just calling an apple an orange when in fact it still is an apple, but I believe we’ve established enough differences in maledikts to be adequately different and separate from demons. This way both our consciences are clean, and we can set our own rules for what maledikts can or cannot do.
2. JacK. If you don’t know by now that the JacK I’ve referred to for all these years is in fact just an internet nickname for my best friend Evan, then now you know. :P Evan and I met in Goldwyn, Furcadia on September 30, 2003. I had returned to Furcadia from a LONG absence only that day, and nearly the first person I encountered that was willing to RP with me was Evan. We struck up a friendship and learned that we both were Christians, in high school, and loved to role-play. Although he lived in Florida and I in Indiana, he 15 and I 17, our friendship grew quickly to become something more. Ever since then our “romantic interest” relationship has been off and on, but our friendship has always remained. Last year we got back “together” and I don’t think I’ve ever been happier. I’ve been with him through a lot, and he’s been with me through a lot. We’ve had such an impact on each other’s lives that we both have agreed we wouldn’t be the same people we are today had we never met. But despite having known each other for 5 1/2 years, we’ve never been able to arrange it so we could meet in person - but in March, that’s gonna change. I’m going to go see him in Orlando the week of March 15th, and I. CAN’T. WAIT. 8D If all goes well while I’m down there, once I get back, the Facebook relationship status is changing, baby. xD And also if all goes well, I’m going to work towards going to college down there this fall. I’ve really got my eye on Southeastern University in Lakeland, which is smack dab in the middle of where his family lives and Orlando. SOEXCITED! =D *bounces*
Furcadia. Of course I’m fond of Furcadia, I met Evan there! But anyway, I got hooked on Furcadia after Kain got all excited because she got a dragon for life. I was like ‘lolwhut?’ so I decided to check it out for myself. This was perhaps a year to two years before I met Evan. So I hung around in New Haven mostly, sometimes ventured into Goldwyn for RP, but I stalked Furcadia nearly obsessively for a good while before drifting away. And then coming back one fateful day in September. Evan and I RPed in Furcadia for a few years, whether in our self-made dreams or in others. However, we drifted away from Furc in favor of IM-RPs, though occasionally we’ll both still visit to keep our characters active and to seek out potential RP dreams. (Kain! Where do you play?)
Haircut. In November of last year, in preparation for my brother’s wedding, I got 17 inches of hair lopped off, with at least that much still remaining. I had about 32 inches before, and it was… well, I didn’t know it at the time, but it was a hassle. I had had long hair for a number of years; the last time I’d had a major haircut was in 2000. Now, I have upper-back length layered hair with long bangs - I haven’t had bangs for YEARS. I’ve had so many compliments on the new hair, and I loved it from the moment I saw it in the mirror. I was so afraid that the haircut would be traumatic and that I’d cry, but after I got it cut I never looked back. I can’t even look at pictures of me with my old hair without cringing. Just marks a new chapter in my life. :) (See the public Facebook album
TFD. TFD, or Tee, stands for The Five Deaths. I took her name from Jurassic Park 2, wherein the island chain that the dinosaurs are kept on is called Los Cinco Muertes, or The Five Deaths. Tee was actually not the first kumayaki I ever made, but she was one of first ones. As I revealed in Meme Part 1, she’s a Founder; her human counterpart being Kae. Kae is the ringleader of sorts of the Founders, though she’s basically equal partners with Ryan. As a Founder, TFD will never die from old age or disease, though it is still very possible she could be killed at others’ hands. She can shapeshift into her original human form and back, as all the Founders can, and she can also open portals and use telepathy to communicate with others and read minds. (
Icky Old Art alert! Tee’s the brown one in the middle.)
1.) Devotion
2.) Furcadia
3.) Artist
4.) Dedication to the 'WriMo!
5.) Kumayakies
Devotion. My devotion is largely stubbornness in clinging to what I’ve been taught and what I believe. I am a pushover in many areas of my life, but when it comes to my faith I could give a mule a run for its money when it comes to stubbornly sticking to what I know is true. However, over the years I’ve realized that stubbornness is okay, but I’ve got to keep an open mind and remain teachable, so that God can show me new things, even when they go against what I’ve always thought were true. Evan has been challenging me on a number of levels, causing me to take a step back and really examine what I believe and why. As a result I believe I’ve become a stronger Christian than before, with thicker and deeper roots from which to draw strength and sustenance. I am devoted to God because I refuse to give up on Him, even when He seems distant. I refuse to give in to doubt and unbelief. My faith grows in times of trial and testing, in the hard times. And I become all the stronger for it when the storm finally ceases and daylight comes, and I’m able to look back and see how far I’ve come.
Furcadia. See above response for backstory. But here I’ll talk just a little bit about dreams. I’ve tried to put a few dreams of my own together, but none have been met with much success. I did manage to put together a kumayaki patch once so you could run around in the Anyanan landscape as an Aya, kill things, laze around on rocks, and such. It was fun. :) If any of you KEKKSians has screenshots of that, I’d be eternally grateful if you’d share them.
Artist. For as long as I’ve been able to hold a pencil, I’ve been drawing, doodling, sketching, and squiggling my way to artist-dom. I get flooded with waves of nostalgia whenever I look at some of my old arts, but at the same time I cringe. Was I really THAT bad? When I was younger, I thought I was good, but now that I’m older, I realize just how badly my art was riddled with flaws. Kinda like life, huh? When you get into high school, you look back on your elementary days and laugh (or cringe) at how dumb you were. You do the same in college, in adult life, and you’ll still be doing it when you’re old and crusty. Such is the life as an artist, as well. People are constantly asking me how I got so good (20 years of practice), and if I’d teach them how to draw. Well… I can’t teach you talent. That’s something you’re going to have to practice and develop on your own. I can show you my own personal method how to draw certain things, but if you want to be a good artist that’s time and dedication you’re gonna have to spend on your own, finding your own style and your own techniques.
Dedication to the ‘WriMo. Well, since I’ve quit the last three years out of five that I’ve participated in
National Novel Writing Month, I don’t know how much ”dedication” I have to WriMo, but… I always have fun and get excited and pumped for it. It gives me ideas and helps me exercise my writing-muscles, which have sadly atrophied over the years of relatively no prose-writing activity. Yeah, I RP with Evan on an almost-daily basis, but it’s not quite the same. There’s a large difference between role-playing with other people and writing solo, on your own. In any case, for as many years as I have time and opportunity to, I will continue participating in NaNoWriMo and converting as many people to the cause as I can! I’ve already got at least one person from Church wanting to try NaNo for the first time this November. ^^
Kumayakies. Umm… let’s see, what can I talk about that I haven’t already? The comic! I know you guys have only seen one page, but I already feel good about it, I just need to get my butt busy and get to drawing. (No, I don’t draw with my butt. Shut up. *fwaps*) Page 2 is in the works, I’ve got most of it sketched, I only need to finish the first panel, ink it, scan, and color. Fweee, it’s more exciting now that I know where I’m going with it (or at least have a better idea anyway). :P