Nov 14, 2007 23:01
I am *this* close to quitting NaNo. I've forced myself to write every day since it began, and it's been an uphill battle ever since day one. The writing isn't coming easy this year, and there are a LOT of distractions in my day-to-day life that I didn't have to deal with before. So many things are changing and happening this month that I find myself falling farther and farther behind on my wordcount.
I quit last year. Week 2, something came up that really derailed my novel, and once the situation cleared my motivation was entirely gone.
This year, shift happened. My truck broke down, I need to find another job to support a car payment, my friends are going through a very hard time, my youth pastor resigned, my small group is meeting frequently, my Bible Quiz team has matches frequently... gah! I've never been this busy during the past four Novembers.
Part of me wants to give up the ghost and let myself deal with the things that are happening without my attention being drawn away by the responsibility of NaNo. It's been such a chore this year that it's become just that- a chore. I don't enjoy it and only once or twice this month have I hit the sweet spot in writing and lost myself in the story. Part of me wants to whip myself into submission and plough on through- even if I don't hit 50k at least I can say I tried, right?
I don't know what to do. Life is stressy right now. REALLY stressy. Since my truck broke down, my parents and I have been sharing two cars among our three jobs. Mom and dad carpool with each other to work on the days that I'm scheduled, but that's not a problem. The problem exists in the fact that dad is going to have to start working nights next week- and that won't work for poor mom, who already works 12 and 14 hour days. We NEED another vehicle- and everywhere we've looked, my parents' poor credit (and my lack of credit altogether) has really worked against us to get approved for the loan to buy the car.
I don't know what I'm going to do. I've already been stubborn enough to keep myself from quitting thus far. But I don't know how much longer that resolve is going to last.