Jul 23, 2010 03:20
While I was having dinner, I decided for no real reason to play a little bit in Phantasy Star Online (Gamecube version) again. This in turn makes me want to play Phantasy Star 0 again, hahaha. And that realization makes me a bit more excited about Phantasy Star: Portable 2's upcoming release.
My main character in PSO is Xetal (full name Xetalaga in case I mention her again), a RAcaseal who's based off the "anti" version of my Galatea. Because I'm forever forced to play offline and tend to advance very slowly, she's still not overpowered nor overleveled.
Which class in PS0 was the overpowered class? All Force types? I still am under the impression that in PSO, the Ranger types are the overpowered ones. Just fire those guns, rifles, and shotguns from a distance and you're all set. Even with that in mind, I like my RAcaseal Xetal and hope that I can welcome some rendition of her in PS:P2.
One day, I'd like to draw Xetal because she's a neat one. :) It's weird that I base Xetal on most everything I can't expect of Galatea, yet it works.
Michi challenged me to draw something odd. I don't believe I've mentioned it here before, but this is about my Devoid.
The Devoid can't be completely seen at any point because portions of their bodies aren't within our visual spectrum or range.
The challenge would be to draw at least a single Devoid and show what we're technically unable to see. Whether I try to do this challenge now or later, I'm undecided. However, it will happen eventually because it'd be a fun exercise.
And to clarify about the whole mysteriousness of the Devoid themselves, I know exactly what they are and where they come from, but important story stuff can't be revealed early.
infinite serenade,
phantasy star series,