Still excited~!

Nov 20, 2010 00:21

I forgot to keep track of how many trailers we had to sit through before the movie started. One that made me confused and somewhat annoyed was the new upcoming rendition/retelling of Red Riding Hood, with lots of sex and violence. Yeah. =_= Apparently Red Riding Hood is making out with a guy who just happens to be a werewolf and killing people in the village?

It's one thing to be cool with your own personal take on a classic that brings out the best of the source material while still making your version fresh and awesome (ex. Gankutsuou = The Count of Monte Cristo), but it's another to make things feel shallow and lacking. Admittedly, this movie isn't out yet, so it might actually be good, but the trailer did not impress me. :( Personal impressions are simply impressions.

My memory's fairly bad when it comes to the 7th Harry Potter book, so I kept forgetting what meant what or who was who, hahaha. I enjoyed the movie overall, but it did strike me as very slow in various parts. I'm much more excited about the second part, but I'm expecting to cry a ton all over again.

I'm crossing my fingers that my copy of 999 (9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors) will arrive tomorrow. If not, then Monday. I'm so excited for the game, it's a painful wait. The reviews I've read thus far have all been positive, some even calling it one of the best DS games available. It's such a shame that basically no stores in person actually have copies, so if you'd like to play, you'll have to order online.

On the good side, Aksys (the publisher) is selling the game on their site and offering the replica watch (originally provided only by GameStop's site as a preorder bonus) with the game or on its own. Shipping is included with the listed price, tax is extra for at least California buyers (I'm not sure about other states), and payment is through Paypal.

I highly recommend buying 999 through their shop because that's direct support to Aksys for releasing such a unique game as this in the U.S.

If you like games such as the Ace Attorney series, Hotel Dusk, and Last Window, or even the Myst series, you might very well enjoy 999~!

Speaking of Last Window, I've finally returned to it! I'm slightly past halfway through now, and I feel bad for leaving it alone for longer than expected. Although I doubt I'll be able to finish it by tomorrow, I hope to finish it soon. That's, of course, when I'm not working on artwork or other required tasks around the house or at work.

What still strikes me as sad is that the PS2 is considered a dead system, yet there are tons of new games being made and released for it in Japan. Pretty unfair, and none of those games will see western shores, especially not now.

Apologies for still not having the fun update like I was hoping to do sooner. It just hasn't been the best week overall and far too distracting to finish things I was hoping to.

gaming, harry potter, weirdness, offline

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