apartment life

Oct 21, 2005 12:02

So far so good i must say with the whole living with people situation. However, there are some problems. Two of my roomates are constantly bickering. I must admit i am guilty of thinkign its funny sometimes and joining in on their arguments. It is normally a good release of tension. Lately though, it is just becoming a little rediculous. It seems like at least 2 or 3 times a day they are arguing about something. It's nothing ground breaking, the biggest it has gotten was when one roomate ate the other roomates cookies that were sent to him for his birthday without asking, normally that wouldn't matter except he was keeping the cookies in his room and they had to go in his room to get to the cookies. I agree that cookies shouldn't be such a big deal but that wasn't nessesary for them to eat cookies he was saving in his room. Anyway, back to my point. They were bickering today about vacuming. Most of the time one of them starts the argument and then it keeps going they battle or fight a bit then talk more and argue and battle some more its funny, but neither one will admit that they are wrong so it keeps going and it was wearing on me today a lot. I had it and yelled pretty much at both of them. Granted i am not very intimidating and am not the right peron to be giving the "you are acting like you are 5 speech" But someone had to and i was the only one around. So now i feel weird and i hate this. I am going to go back to my original plan of just letting them battle it out on there own. If i have to say something else it will be at a later time. How would you guys have handeled this particular situation. Let me know.
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