Nov 24, 2004 21:51
hahh iuh i'm drunks now. hahal .oll. uhm. i have fridns over and is fun and we are having furn and wow. but i wam ready to go to beecak to schol now because i can't wait tos see a scertian someonw . Uh. i think i'm gettings drunnkers by the seconds. I had liikes five mixeda drinksa and a beer, sa dn uh...some otehrs shit. lol sa i have not ben =this drunk since liikase uh...sepretenmbers.
Uh...i'm tireds drnks. I feelts so realaxed and nices. i'm writisgn in this journal to seea houw stupid i ams whems i'm durnks so that way ti scan i like, see howa i look s and talke.s
I'm f gonna go now and peeees.
bEYs! haha my asfrinedsnare here watings for me but i'm boreda shaha. and theys are watching a movesi calleda whites chikeces.
DEBANJALIEs0--THSI sis howa you writes wehn you are srdunks lol.s
I'm tiresd.