[Amber] ...

Jun 05, 2008 19:54

With one exception (the Llewella comment was mine originally) I bring you the madness of chas_:

"Ah, you're going the slow route. First it's just hanging out, then you'll just get involved in this one little itsy-bitsy TP, then next thing you know, you're in a full blown TP and a child of some high faluten' muckity-muck."

"Meanwhile Dworkin and Corwin light up a doobie, snort some powdery white stuff, then go and kick Eric's ass. . .but leave him on the Throne of Amber as that's punishment enough. . ."

"Elsewhere, Benedict stands as still as rock seeing as how he's been put in a room full of toothpicks and he's frozen in indecision. . ."

"Brand can be found throwing himself repeatedly into the Abyss and bouncing back. Soon it catches on and he makes a fortune selling tickets."

"Gerard snaps and becomes the One True Thug. He slaps Julian around and makes him his bitch. . .oh, and his horse, too. . ."

"Fiona and Bleys struggle with indecision as they try to figure out which parts are the ends and which are the middle, so they can play them against themselves."

"Merlin briefly claims the Throne of Chaos then promptly goes on a three year hiatus. . ."

"Random manages to get the Unicorn drunk and the pair go off on a drunken rampage through Rebma scrawling 'Amber is Rebma spelled backwards!' all over the place with the Unicorn's horn. . ."

"Flora shows up briefly to get huffy with Corwin and generally look good. . ."

"Llewella shows up halfway through the storyline then dissapears again. Inscrutible as ever."

"And Caine dies. . .again. . ."

gaming, nine princes, quote, roger zelazny, amber, game, quotes

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