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Oct 20, 2005 01:37

I had a good couple of days, I got a new (well semi-new) job because the guy who had the job got fired, i mean he's a cool guy, but his loss is my gain, With the money i've saved with geico, i mean by having a job, I bought myself some treats, I got Curb Season 4 (WOOOO) Batman Begins (WOOOOOOOOOOOO) and Firefly (WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO) I have been waiting on firefly for a month and now I have it WOOOOT!, But the bad thing with this job was the traveling, and the fact that it might not be as permenant as I would have hoped, but after my week in Dauphin and my week in Thompson, the traveling is over YAY!, now it's just work in the city...My life is good this week....
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