Title: Money Doesn't Matter 4/?
Author: tafidadarling
Fandom: Crossover between Criminal Minds which belongs to CBS and The Social Network which belongs to Columbia Pictures.
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Mark/Eduardo, Chris, Dustin, Morgan/Reid, entire BAU team including JJ, Cooper from Lo-Fi and Mayhem
Rating: FRM for language and violence including some pretty descriptive torture.
Spoilers/Notes: For CM, the episodes Lo-Fi and Mayhem (slightly) since Detective Cooper makes an appearance. Revelations since Garcia mentions it. Just a teensy mention to something in L.D.S.K. (In the CM time line, the story occurs between Mayhem and before Omnivore.) For TSN, major spoilers for the movie though nothing is mentioned specifically except in reference to Mark and Eduardo's relationship. (In the TSN time line, it's post-movie. Considering Season 3 of CM is set in 2007, it would be about three years since Eduardo sued Mark.) It is possible to read this if you're not a fan of both. Character quirks might be the only turn off, but I suggest you give it a chance.
Summary: Eduardo is safe in the hospital for now.
Author's Notes: For
this prompt at the
tsn_kinkmeme . It took me a bit longer than I expected to finish this chapter since I was preoccupied with my Community story and RL caught up with me.
Cross posted to bau_fic, cm_slash, mark_eduardo, morganreid_cm, socialnetwrkfic and tsn_kinkmeme.
"They're calling him the Torture Tailor," JJ said throwing the morning's paper on the table.
Rossi looked up momentarily from his notebook before going back to writing. "I've heard worse."
"We have no clue as to where he could be going, and now the press is giving him a name." JJ sighed.
"We'll get him JJ. Don't worry."
"It's just frustrating."
"Hey, you're preachin' to the choir. I left retirement for this."
JJ smiled weakly which seemed to please Rossi.
"How are Garcia and that Dustin kid doing?"
"Brooks hasn't used his credit card, cell phone, anything in the past 24 hours," JJ said. "They've informed all motels in a 100 mile radius and are going through gas stations' security footage."
"Now that's frustrating," Rossi said. "Have we heard any news from the lovebirds?"
"Do you mean Morgan and Reid or Zuckerberg and Saverin?"
"Either. Or both. Which one was hospitalized again?"
JJ laughed before saying, "Reid called and said the staff kicked Zuckerberg out last night. Saverin seems to be doing fine."
"That's good. That is what makes this job less frustrating."
Nodding, JJ sat down less defeated than she had been when she stormed in the room. At least Eduardo was safe.
Morgan was chuckling as he watched the nurse and Mark argue at the desk. Reid sulked back from his trip to the vending machine down the hall. "They don't have Rice Krispies treats," he muttered.
"Zuckerberg is back," Morgan said ignoring Reid's pout. "I think that nurse is two seconds away from calling security."
"Go help him then," Reid said as he sat down quickly, pulling his legs up in an attempt to get comfortable.
"This is more fun, though," Morgan joked. In the end he went over to the desk and informed the nurse it was alright for Mark to visit. He knew how it felt fighting with hospital staff in order to spend time with someone he cared for. Watching Mark duck into Eduardo's room, Morgan leaned over Reid and said, "I know we're on the clock, but I love you Pretty Boy."
"I love you too Derek."
"Those two are sweet," Eduardo said as he gestured to the chair Mark had left next to the bed the night before. The TV was on, some re-run of a sitcom, but Eduardo had muted it when Mark came in.
"Are you feeling better?"
Eduardo's smile faltered but not for long. "Yeah, I'm feeling great. I'm even getting used to seeing out of one eye. I just hope the nurses don't think I'm always flirting with them."
"That was a horrible joke," Mark dead panned. "I'd expect that from Dustin but not you."
"Don't you have coding to do?" Eduardo asked sharply.
"The others will take care of it."
"Wow, I never thought I'd live to see the day when Mark Zuckerberg put someone ahead of his coding."
"You always come before coding," Mark whispered.
"No, it took being kidnapped to... look, Mark. I don't want to fight."
"Last night you said you forgave me. Was that true?"
"Is that why you're here? God, I should have known. Yes, you idiot! It's been three years. I'm still a little upset things went the way they did. How you thought you couldn't talk to me, but I've had time to think about it."
"Is that why you came to my house the other day?"
"I thought I could trust Dustin and Chris to feed you," Eduardo said with a laugh. It didn't pain him as much as it had the night before. "I guess I was wrong."
"Your grocery list is evidence now, but we can still make spaghetti if you want," Mark said trying to smile. He found it difficult with Eduardo where he was.
"You were meant to learn to make it yourself."
"You really think I'm letting you go to your house after your discharged? Not with that Brooks guy still out there."
"But I'm sure Mr. and Dr. FBI will protect me," Eduardo joked gazing again at Morgan and Reid through the window. "Spaghetti sounds good, though, after all this hospital food."
"They are... sweet, I guess," Mark said.
"Dr. Reid said you were cooperative during the investigation. I told him he must have to deal with the most insufferable people in the country."
"You're only getting away with all these insults because you're hurt. Enjoy it while it lasts."
"Oh, trust me. I will."
Hotch, Emily and Rossi were back at Brooks's house looking through everything for even the tiniest clue.
"I have some pictures from a vacation in Jersey," Emily said. "He looks happy there."
"Never mix business and pleasure," Rossi said laughing to himself. "Is the beach the best place to go when running from the law?"
"Is there a 'best' place?" Emily countered and set the picture frame back down.
"Antarctica," Hotch said and both. Emily and Rossi stilled.
"Did you just make a joke?" Emily asked.
"I'm capable of humor," Hotch replied as his cell phone rang. "Hey Garcia. You've got me, Rossi and Prentiss."
"Hello my freedom fighters!" Garcia sing-songed. "Dustin and I found a convenient mart that has footage of Brooks buying some supplies. I'm sending the address to your phones now."
"Okay, thanks Garcia."
"Hotch. Prentiss. Isn't his the same street the hospital is on?"
"He knows where Saverin is," Emily said. She pulled out her phone and punched in Morgan's number. "Morgan? We think Brooks might be headed to the hospital. Okay. Yeah, we're on our way."
"No sign of him yet?" Rossi asked.
"No. He said he'll call the security to help him and Reid until we get there."
The three agents left, the siren in the SUV deafening as they sped down the highway back into the city. There were already news vans outside of the hospital.
"Why always hospitals?" Reid asked as he and Morgan crouched behind the bed in Eduardo's room. They had ushered him and Mark into the closet once Brooks had stormed in. He was now at the nurses' desk holding the nurse who had argued with Mark earlier hostage.
"At least you're armed this time," Morgan said with a small laugh.
"You two! Stop whispering!" Brooks shouted. "If you just give me Saverin, I won't shoot anyone."
"I'm afraid we can't do that Greg," Morgan said.
In the closet, Eduardo was gripping Mark's arm tightly, five finger shaped bruises already forming on Mark's pale skin. He looked smaller in the hospital gown, and Mark wished he could comfort him. The truth was, he was absolutely terrified himself.
"Wardo, they'll get him," he said, but who was he really assuring? "They'll get him, and then we'll go home. I'll make spaghetti; you won't have to help. And we can watch Beverly Hillbillies because I know you love that show."
"Home?" Eduardo asked with a small smile. "I... I like the sound of that."
Before he could change his mind, Mark cupped Eduardo's chin, careful to avoid the scratches, and chastely kissed him. The cuts on Eduardo's lips cracked, and Mark could taste the iron but something else that was distinctly Eduardo.
"Don't worry," he said one last time. "They'll get him."
Hotch, Emily and Rossi quietly approached the nurses's station and signaled Reid and Morgan. The two agents didn't acknowledge them, but the Morgan subtly tugged his ear. Emily and Rossi came up behind Brooks and, with a swift kick, disarmed him.
"Are you okay?" Hotch asked the nurse.
"I'm... I'm alright," she said through sobs.
Emily was handcuffing Brooks and leading him to the elevator. "Where is Saverin?" she asked over her shoulder.
"He and Zuckerberg are in the closet," Morgan sad. He opened the door then, the two men stumbling out. "Mr. Saverin, did you hit any of your injuries?"
"No, no. I'm okay. Are you guys?"
"They couldn't wait for us to start the party," Rossi said. Mark glared at him, still sore from their interview, but Eduardo laughed freely at the joke.
"JJ's outside with Mr. Hughes trying to control the press," Hotch said snapping his phone shut. "Mr. Zuckerberg, they'd like to talk to you."
"I'm not leaving Wardo right now," Mark replied with determination. His hand found Eduardo's and clasped firmly.
"Of course. I understand. You do know then they'll probably find a way up for an interview?"
"Oh, I'm sure Chris is already arranging it."
"Okay. We'll take Brooks in," Hotch said addressing his team. "Morgan and Reid. You stay here for now, help out CSU and control the press as well."
"Got it," Morgan said. He ruffled Reid's hair and smiled. "Looks like a few more hours of plastic chairs Pretty Boy."
"I never got my Rice Krispies treat," Reid mumbled.
The doctor had come into Eduardo's new room, the old one now taped off as the CSU did a mandatory search of the scene. His injuries re-bandaged and pills taken, he laid quietly in the bed, Mark's head resting on the pillows next to his.
"Leaning like that mustn't be comfortable," Eduardo said as Mark squirmed in his chair.
"This is quite comfortable," Mark said stubborn as ever. "When I get back to the offices, I'm banning that 'Which Serial Killer Are You?' app. Or anything like that."
"How romantic," Eduardo joked. He gave Mark a soft kiss when he saw the look of confusion on his face. "No, that really is thoughtful of you Mark."
"I never knew you were such a hopeless romantic."
"Well, if you had paid attention... forget it. That's all in the past now. And the present..."
"Is looking better?" Mark provided.
Eduardo nodded. "Yeah, it's looking better."