Although I was spoiled going into this premiere episode, it didn't affect my overall enjoyment....
In fact, it enhanced it, because I was able to focus on detail rather than be shocked by certain events. The montage and the opening scene with Starbuck stabbing Leoben was effective, catching us up with our favorite characters and drawing us in emotionally to the plight of the New Caprica settlers. I settled right into (actually pranced giddily) into the traumatized mentality of Kara, the dainty napkin use after the violent stabbing of Leoben was mesmerizing. Brother Cavil is the flavor of the week, his scene with Tigh was deliciously played out, wasn't it? I could have used a bit less of Ellen Tigh "negotiating for Tigh's release" scene, howver. :)
I know that everyone was startled at the Lee/Adama scene where he told him to take his "fat ass and get out". Applause to Jamie Bamber who literally retreated into his own skin during that exchange. I can't wait to see where they are taking this character development.... Jenny Craig? No, my friends. Kara Thrace. If anyone ever doubted that these two belong together, now is the time to rethink. We are witnessing one of the effects of them being apart. Granted, I suspect that they have miles to go before they sleep and that the journey will be rich with conflict and yearning. I couldn't be happier ! ...