The complexity of the Lee/Kara relationship (with spoilers from Home, Part 1)
The more I think about it, the more I love that we're not getting a shippy relationship tied up in a bow. It's the tension that keeps this relationship exciting, the frustration, the "one step forward, two steps back" progression towards these two characters being on the same page (much less the same bed). Not that I mind, as long as we get occasional payoffs like last night's episode.
Of course, I was spoiled, but not even the TV Guide clip of the kiss spoiled me to the point of no *squeee*, especially the Pyramid ball scene. I kept thinking that Kara would continue the brood and not even notice the slip-of-the-tongue "I love you" in Lee's make-up speech. I adored the "what was the second thing you said?" and smile on Kara's face as Lee walked away.
And let's face it. When these two are on screen, the chemistry/nuclear fission takes over. Well worth the wait!