
Mar 12, 2015 22:06

I have two particular memories of discovering the works of Terry Pratchett.  First, was reading a review of The Colour of Magic in The Dragon magazine back in the early 1980s and shortly thereafter finding a copy of it in the tiny Stars and Stripes bookstore on the remote post I was stationed at in Germany.  I think I was about four pages into it when I deceided that I would be keeping an eye out for any other works by this author.  The second was reading passages of it to my platoon when we were on field training exercises when we were in hide positions.  ("Sir, What are you reading now?"  They had learned I had non-normal reading tastes the year previously when I was reading The Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy.  Both books ended up being passed around to about half the platoon.)  I like to think that some of them continued reading Pterry.
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