Apr 22, 2010 20:18
My antipathy towards editing knows no bounds. This is like pulling teeth, only with a lot more lying around moodily in my bedroom reading snarky YA novel reviews and less anesthesia. (Well, unless we're talking about the time my sister got teeth pulled. She refused anesthesia and made the dentist cry.)
It's just...SO CLOSE to being done, and yet I seem to have no will to work on it.
ETA, 1:45: I am editing...page 12? Out of 35? Oh, whatevs, it's not like I still need to write half my intro or COMPLETELY REVAMP one or two or maybe three of my sections!
ETA, 2:30: I'm on page sixteen now. 'Cause I'm awesome. Anyway, I'm just asking myself the question, would putting The Wedding Singer on in the background be an awesomely BAD idea or just AWESOME? (Awesome, y/n?)
I'm starting to get sleepy, whatever. Maybe I'll finish my ice cream.
Oh, and on the list of things that drive me crazy: grammar corrections by English profs. Not the actual corrections -- I like having typos pointed out to me -- but when there's a note being all "who's=who is, whose=possessive" or something, as if I had somehow missed that chapter in Strunk & White, instead of having made a typo born from having to slap myself on the wrist every time I accidentally write "Whose Afraid."
Not that I blame her, since I know English professors absolutely cannot resist grammar corrections, but still. I know what subject-verb agreement is; I'm sorry I forgot an 's.' (You can tell I'm getting sleepy because I'm grumpy.)
rl: bring honors to us all