I can't believe I read this High School Musical shit.
This is, like, my least classy summer fling since 8th grade. Jay/Silent Bob and Josh/Sam are SO MUCH CLASSIER than this.
Though Jay/Silent Bob has about an equal amount of random ass teenaged angst.
Still, guys: It is SO. DAMN. FUNNY. (And sometimes really sweet.) (Mostly just stupid, though.)
P.S. I still want someone to write Ryan/Midnighter. To make my wretchedness complete.
P.P.S. I hate how 90% of fic in the Pit of Voles are WIPs. Even in badfic, I like closure.
P.P.P.S. I got a haircut, and I'm fairly pleased with it, but I can't shake the feeling that I sort of have the most stylish mullet ever. Slash look like a brunette
Carol Brady. It's not just me! I combed my bangs in place and put on my gold lame minidress and asked mom, "Okay, pretending I'm blond, which TV mom am I?" and she got it. Whatevs, I'm working it. (I don't really look like
this, but it would be funny if I did.)
P.P.P.P.S. Is everyone who writes HSM fanfiction British and just completely incompetent at aping American slang? (All the Britishisms they use are the really OBVIOUS ones, too, like knickers and fancy and snog and strange words for "ass" -- the kind of words Americans pretending to be Brits use when they're writing bad HP fanfic.)
This HSM2 review/recap not only is awesome and hilarious, but also is almost my exact reaction to the movie. Especially everything in re: Ryan (namely, his awesomeness) and Fulton (namely, the reasonableness of his demands on the Wildcats -- they're employees! they're supposed to work!).
"I must say I attribute this more to the writers never having seen a movie and thus not knowing tropes rather than any desire to break down stereotypes, but it works for me." <-- motto