(no subject)

Mar 26, 2014 13:01

I am trying to will myself out of bed to go do observation hours, and it is not yet happening.

It will happen momentarily. I swear. Possibly I need to eat more food before I do it, because maybe "all the edamame in the house" doesn't count as lunch.

Anyway, shit I gotta do, much of it by tomorrow, though some of it can wait 'til after my NYC mini-vacation this weekend:

+ More volunteer hours! I'm trying to do at least 5 or 6 before I go away for the weekend. I'm at 9 now and need to have done 25 by this time next month.
+ Write a lesson plan for tomorrow night. Maybe more anxious about this than I need to be, but honestly I have a lot of work to do.
+ Interview a teacher at 7 PM and type up transcript for tomorrow night.
+ Determine if I can attend a leadership conference at Simmons next month.
+ Start looking for more apartment leads for continuing housing search next week.
+ TEST DRIVE SOME NON-SUBARUS, JESUS CHRIST. I need to test drive AT LEAST ONE NON-SUBARU before I just say "Fuck it, I'm buying the Subaru."
+ Send a postcard to my friend's 2nd grade class (so late, omg).
+ Do I have a presentation tomorrow night? FIND OUT IF I HAVE A PRESENTATION TOMORROW NIGHT.

rl: shit i gotta do

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