I have already talked about Danny's foray into crazy dad territory -- and aside from some poor choices in his relationship with his wife, which I like to pretend DID NOT HAPPEN because EARLY SEASON TWO WAS TERRIBLE, I generally think he is an excellent father, but the way he talks about sex/romance in re: his parenting is making that harder and harder to believe -- but now I'm going to talk about the rest of the episode.
Sadly, I am underwhelmed. There are some good moments, but they are wasting James Caan by a) NOT MAKING HIM DANNY'S DAD -- LOOK, THEY ARE IDENTICAL, I AM NOT BUYING THEM BEING UNRELATED -- and b) being overly deferential to him.
These writers. I just do not trust them at all, and here they are demonstrating the same weakness that made so much of the first half of this season lag -- they're excited about a guest star, some badass dude they all look up to, and they let him completely take over the show. All the characters defer to him, he drives the plot, he gets away with total bullshit... I understand the impulse, I too love James Caan, but it weakens all the regular characters and their strengths (if they're being led around by a retired cop with no background with their department) and their interactions (since they cease to exist), which are the primary draw of the show, and it softballs the guest actor which makes him more tedious than exciting. WHICH IS A BUMMER.
However, the episode tag was of course sheer perfection.