Apr 16, 2011 16:18
Do you ever have these expressions that you just use, you know, they're just things you say, and you don't really think about their provenance? And then one day the meaning of the phrase just catches up with you all of a sudden, and you find yourself saying, "How's it hanging?" and then thinking immediately, I just asked about his dick.
Less awkward and more funny is when you realize you have no idea whatsoever what an expression means, as when my dad asked me about "Hoist by his own petard," and I told him that a petard was an old-fashioned explosive device and he said, "Oh. I mean, I always thought it meant 'butt.'"
Y ahora necisito empezar de hablar en espanol, porque los padres de Cristina estan aqui y ellos no hablan ni ingles ni frances. Ayyyyyyy, necesito practicar mucho, hay olvidado todo. D:
rl: crackhouse