I have been in fandom for ten years. In that time, I have read untold numbers of crack fic, I have written self-inserts and vicious MSTs and Beaches AUs. I have written Galaxy Quest fic. I have dressed up I don't know how many times as Spock and Batgirl and the Mad Hatter. I wrote my second longest academic paper on Star Trek and came within in an inch of teaching a class on the subject. I do
keep a blog on the subject. I vid. Once I vidded Aaron fucking Sorkin to Soft Cell.
My sister is a baby fan, cultivated lovingly by me. When she was eleven, she modified her own Barbie to be Faith from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. She writes a ton of fic and practically lives in Doctor Who and Harry Potter gear. She runs the Glee and HP clubs at her school. She is a huge nerd.
My brother is the "normal" (ish) one. He's the one who would walk a block behind us when we dressed up as Captain Hook and Tinkerbell to go see Peter Pan. He is nerdy about cinema and music and just snobby enough about both that is makes him more of a hipster (though that's not a term I'd usually use for him) than a geek. He doesn't really go to comic conventions and I stole all of the comic books he had growing up years ago. He passes for a non-geek most readily of us three, in short.
Except today he just surpassed both me and my sister in geekiness, something I never thought possible.
I present, without further ado, the cross-generational, gay, incestuous Luke/Darth Vader filk that my brother has released unto the internet:
Click to view
Gay, incestuous Luke/Vader filk. Way to commit, bro.