Hahahaha, someone on ffnet just added a story I wrote when I was, like, twelve to their story alerts. I AM SORRY TO TELL THEM THAT I WILL NOT BE UPDATING.
In other news, I am home and typing this ON A COMPUTER for the first time in weeks (OH MY GOD, I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU AGAIN, REMUS -- the stress of trying to figure out international plans and roaming fees alone is enough to convince me of this) and I know I have mileage to be calculating and a 30 days of TV meme to be resuming, but for now I'm just going to wallow in the joys of internet for awhile and get reused to feel of a keyboard under my fingers.
ETA: Just putting this out in the universe, but it makes me sad that Amber Rose can wear
whatever crazy ass shit and I can have no idea who she is and I will still inevitably find her hot. I like to believe that I have to either know who someone is or find their personal style appealing to find them attractive, but, lo, it is not so.
Also, this weekend I saw a production of Les Miz in which Nick Jonas played Marius Pontmercy. It was the first time I'd ever heard a Jonas brother sing. Tessa and I had NO IDEA he was going to be in it and suddenly we were surrounded by shrieking teenage girls. It was hilarious.