The introductory post wot sometimes appears at the top of journals (hi)

Dec 09, 2025 20:45

Greetings, visitors!

The first thing you'll notice is that I don't post very frequently.  That's not because most of the posts are friends-locked, it's because I find Twitter to be a communication vehicle that works very well for the type of things I want to broadcast.

If you want to see what I'm saying on a daily basis, you can find me at I post or re-tweet links to articles about tech, books and food, and mention things going on with me. (I was having each day's twitter content posted here each night, but really, if you want to know what I'm up to, I'm betting you'll follow me there and just get irritated finding everything duplicated here.)

Here, you'll find postings when I have longer things to say, and time to actually say them.

You don't need my permission to friend me, though I'm always happy when someone actually says hello. :-) You also have my permission link to something I posted without asking first (not that such a thing is likely to happen all that often. See: rarely post.)

I'm trying to get tags on everything to make it all easier to group and find, but that's a work in progress. The ones I have so far are here:

So, welcome to my little piece of the blogosphere.  Pull up a comfy chair and here, let me pour you something nice to drink.
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