What I nattered on about today:
08:46 The roads are icy, and my commute will be treacherous.
10:10 Roads not nearly as bad near work as near home, and my sister called to tell me it's snowing in downtown Dallas.
14:13 Not sure why, but my iPhone is running awfully hot, and running out of power within about 90 minutes.
15:12 The pad thai I had for lunch was strange because they made it with curry. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE curry, but it was unexpected here.
twitpic.com/tfqj - An ice-covered little tree that grows next to my office parking lot.
16:46 The periodic table of awesoments -
www.eatliver.com/i.php?n=3723 16:59 Cranberry cupcakes with snowmen melting on top:
tinyurl.com/5tzbb5 18:11 What a beautiful, leafy necklace! Too bad it sold out today:
tinyurl.com/577642 18:29 Must make this split pea soup, even though I don't have a pressure cooker:
tinyurl.com/splitpea 21:33 I LOVE Whitesnake's "Summer Rain."
tinyurl.com/5w5uxnThanks to