LoudTwitter still isn't back up, so I'm manually dumping the last few days into this post.
November 28
I just placed my Newegg.com order for a
1Tb hard drive,
4 gig of RAM and a
512mg video card, all for about $200, and got free shipping. :-D
11:06 AM Nov 28th from web
November 29
Checked, and came to the conclusion that Home Depot does not have any fake trees that I like well enough to adopt and bring into my home.
4:42 PM Nov 29th from web
November 30
Always happy to have a coupon when I come to SouperSalad for lunch.
1:52 PM Nov 30th from
twitterrific Godson and I are done watching Blue and have moved on to George.
6:54 PM Nov 30th from
twitterrific December 1st
A site I regularly visit is down; the page explaining it is in french. I ran it thru Babelfish, which translates 'servers' as 'waiters'. LOL
8:09 AM yesterday from web
DO WANT. "Windspire vertical turbine on sale now, aiming to capture the consumer wind power market."
http://tinyurl.com/5jqp9j about 24 hours ago from web
Checking out my TweetStats!
http://tweetstats.com/graphs/taerin Neat! Thx @
christinerose for the pointer.
about 18 hours ago from web
Chilly in here, yet the airconditioning keeps coming on. I'm in a scarf and have a heating pad against my back, and still have goose bumps.
about 17 hours ago from web
They just let me know that my car should be ready late this week! Can't wait to have my small car back. The Rondo is ok, but too big.
about 17 hours ago from web