I've been sick (again) but I'm able to track the symptom progression now and visit my doctor before it becomes bronchitis (as it has every year since high school.) I still have the crud, but I don't feel half dead and like I can't breathe.
Exercise - 3.7 miles on the bike last night, 30 minutes, 66 calories burned. I took it easy, since I didn't want to use up too much energy that could better be used for healing, and didn't want to give my lungs any excuse to freak out.
shoes arrived yesterday, and as I expected they're not very comfortable because a) I do not have manly-shaped feet and these are manly shoes; b) they have no arch support to speak of, and c) whaddaya expect for $20? I'll get some of those insertable shoe liners to deal with the insides and then apply
the seal FOR GREAT JUSTICE. (More on this later, as I've been given a suggestion on how to do it a bit easier.)