Even 31 hours later. But ooooh, that was fun. Leverage and the proper use of elbows and open-hand strikes to avoid splitting one's knuckles and why survival is far more important than bull-headedness, and why awareness is the first thing a martial arts student must learn.
silat = !!shiny!!, in case you can't tell already.
Then, Saturday night, I had the most interesting experience of being able to contribute in a layered conversation between two fifty-something men. Mind, they were slightly sloshed and I was sober (well, slightly buzzed, but that's because one of them has excellent taste in whiskeys and was kind enough to offer me some.), so that probably helped the age/experience gap. Still, shiny!
Then I woke up this morning and discovered I'd entirely missed last night's windstorm, that knocked out the power rather spectacularly. As in, this is the first time it's been on for more than ten seconds since five am this morning.
On the not-shiny scale, small beetles were discovered in the cereal--after I'd poured the milk, worse luck. (gave it to the dog, who didn't mind the extra protein in the slightest)--and, of course, the inability to feed the internet addiction.
On the . . interesting scale, a local realtor came by around midday (disturbingly enough he was my diving instructor when I was short. Go figure. O.o) at my father's behest. Dad wants to move away from the States, and figures having a good idea of what the house might fetch on the market would be a notion. So I tagged along on the full-house tour, and got to thinking about what another family might do with the house my family built. Most of the interior walls aren't load bearing (and even the ones that are, kinda, it's because there's plumbing or electrical wires behind them), because the house is built on a post-and-lintel design. So all the interior dividing walls could be dramatically shifted around, with relatively little effort. It's an interesting thought, to contemplate what someone else might do, given the basic design.
On the shiny scale, I made chocolate chip cookies (propane stove, so while the fridge and microwave were ded, the stove worked) found polygons in the treebranches outside my old bedroom window, and watched an eagle do lazy circles out in the distance.
Minor note to self:
[eta] Skunk Anansie (who did Weak); band broke up in '01, frontwoman is Skin. albums on order.
[eta 2] Dar Williams spelunk hard drive, was apparently given [eta 3] FOUND IT!
Drew Bunting
find teh Shiny.