
Aug 24, 2015 15:46

I am done with the distance learning stats course!

Turned in the last assignment on Saturday (and got grades two hours later, thank you tutor?) and did the exam this morning.

It is really, really nice not to have a daily quota of Pages I Must Get Through.

... Classes start the 8th of September, but I bet actual in-person classes are going to be slightly less bonkers than me on a deadline. >.>

I'm registered right now for Anatomy and Physiology (non-preferred section due to how late I was able to register, lab on Mondays at 4pm and lecture on Tuesdays at 4pm), Active Health (again a non-preferred section, ugh 8:30am is an uncivilised class start time), and Human Motor Behaviour 1, because oooer.

I've been granted credit for English 100 via two classes from community college when I was sixteen, yaaaay, have submitted "detailed course outlines" for Chemistry 101, Physics 101, and Biology 203 (all intro level science courses) in the hopes of not having to take intro classes again (we'll see), and plan to submit the stats course for a math requirement as soon as I have final grades.

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school, i'm planning *what*?

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