I did get things done today.

May 30, 2015 00:05

In order to talk to Veggie's neurologist, I need a referral from my GP, which is reasonable.

So after my dad accidentally stepped on my foot via email this morning, I went off to my doctor's appointment. (The two were unrelated.)

Had one of those fun talks with both my GP and her assistant where I got to fill out a depression and anxiety worksheet and talk over symptoms while feeling slightly Off anyway, but was very clear on my reasons for seeking treatment above and beyond the 'oh, hey!' use of a tricyclid antidepressant as a fairly effective neuropathic pain medication: Grad School Looms.

Also got a TDaP booster because apparently there's a lot of whooping cough going around and not spreading diseases (even if I did get my last booster in '11 or '12) is awesome, and an order for bloodwork to rule out thyroid or anemia factors. Which, I agree entirely with the idea, let's do this; I got directions for the lab, then went home, because, well, I had places to be.

Dragged the spouse with me to a pilates/TRX class, who discovered there are like six women he'd never met who know of him enough to go 'Oh, hey, awesome to finally meet you!'. I think he was bemused.

Then lunch (still debating if I want to know how they demembrane commercial orange slices), bloodwork, home.

... and then to Fury Road, because the idea of sitting around all afternoon made me go nyeh but I wasn't up for seeing Tomorrowland.

(I enjoyed it the first time through; this one was better.)

I got almost no homework done today or yesterday--I've been reviewing my stats notes (yesterday) and reading about binomial probability distributions (waiting at the lab)--but I did get things done today.

... Done yesterday, because apparently it's after midnight. Whups.

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