So nobody's feet are exactly the same size, or if they are congratulations Unusual Human, Well Done You.
I'm a left-foot-bigger, just enough to notice in new ordinary shoes, and really enough to notice in rock climbing shoes because they're for turning your feet into imitation hooves.
I need a wedge of some sort. Or a tiny chisel and hammer.
Anyway! Today we went bouldering, which is short range no-ropes-and-harnesses climbing, but trends a bit less helpfully vertical.
Oof. No wonder I watch people fall off these walls every time I come climbing. This is tricky. (I mean, I knew that, but trying it is still illuminating.)
I didn't try anything above a green run (boulder problems at this place go green, blue, yellow, white, etc in ascending difficulty, so I was trying the low end of the boulders), because ah, no.
My first attempt (blue holds, green tape, no corner transitions) was my only real success; I think it's meant as a training problem, but I made it cleanly to the top, which was nice.
The next attempt was a new problem (grey holds, green tape), and there's a transition that involves pushing up and away from my right hip that I am just not getting cleanly today. Oi. Fell off it at the point I needed to make a right hand grab 3 times? 4? Less than 6, more than 2. Argh. Pretty sure if I could make that transition I'd get to the top without much further difficulty, my hip just won't do that motion.
I tried a different problem (yellow holds, green tape), skipped a couple of foothold steps and wound up dropping unexpectedly probably as a direct result, although given how hard my hands were shaking the many attempts at the previous problem played a factor. Pretty sure I'll make that one next time I try it.
Took a break, watched other people fall off things, made another attempt on the grey hold problem, got to the point I could touch the hold I needed, then dropped. Again. Twice.
But it cleared up why I'm dropping there--it's the stupid hip not moving the way it needs to, not me not having the wingspan to make it--so I stopped trying. Ain't happening today.
Got talked into--after another break, because stupid goat hoof shoes and stupid forearms trying to turn into cast iron--trying another new problem (orange holds, green tape, no corner transitions). Actually made a transition off the bad hip . . and then my hands gave out a hold later because of course they did.
Less 'HAH I DID THE THING' than Sunday's session, but bouldering's harder than climbing 5.6s and I've been pushing my hands a lot lately.
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