That took a lot longer than I expected it to.

Feb 13, 2012 12:36

I put up what I thought would be a poll for a two-for-twenty sort of affair the 31st of March 2010, and posted the last of the forty eight ( consolidated post here) pieces last night.

As usual, all the indexes are up to date, although the Wild Roses ones are getting unwieldy enough I'm strongly considering trying out Scrivener and starting to post (and index) much bigger pieces. O.o;;*

*: You know I'm afraid of the html when I'm actually contemplating something New. My current writing tools are TextEdit, Word Count Tool, and whatever I can finagle into letting me write as long as possible before my hand gives out on me.

During the two year period this poll covered, I got diagnosed with a second nerve disorder, went on a nerve medication that actually worked (witness the roughly 35,000 words I wrote over the course of last February**), moved almost a hundred miles, took a first-year French course in nine weeks, and started being able to push myself physically.

**: o.O;;;;;;;

Writing took more of a nosedive than I was anticipating; I blame a combination of self-competition--I started tracking wordcounts partway through the poll of doom and the totals immediately skyrocketed--and spending a lot of brain and hand points on physical activity.

. . . . Let's see if I can get back into a writing schedule that results in O.o; inducing half-yearly roundups. One of these years I may actually have a novel or four to work with. :)

half-year collection, writing meme

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