I'm visiting
dormouse_in_tea from Friday the 3rd to Wednesday the 15th, courtesy of my most-esteemed mother who offered to cover plane fare when I mentioned that one of the nice things about visiting her in Hawaii was not needing to scrape together the cash for a ticket.
I may have forgotten to post about this. Oops?
In other news, I overdid things in Monday morning's session in pilates and my ulnar nerve's been grouchy.
By grouchy I mean . . tingly, and by my ulnar nerve I mean from the space between my middle and anterior scalenes in my neck down to my fourth and fifth digits. Including in my hand.
That was kind of neat to discover, in a ouchy way.
And since I'm headed to Seattle tomorrow in order to get to Seatac for 8:30am Friday, I saw my regular physio today (performing a slightly boneheaded move in the process--ran twenty minutes late instead of ten minutes early, arrrrrgh).
Right before pilates.
This should be fun.