For instance: Sunday, I did an hour-and-a-half session of pilates. Once I got home, my boyfriend made puppy eyes to the point where we went out and played on the sandstone boulders at the local state park's beach. Admittedly I scrambled up on top of something and had a nap while he tried to get in touch with his inner spider-goat, but hey, I went and did Things right after a session.
That evening I walked down to the train station to send him off in style (for certain values of style, anyway). And again, I did Things!
Monday I had to avoid some of my home exercises because my core muscles were pretending to be the French transportation unions. (Why no, 2003 Paris left no impressions whatsoever, why do you ask?)
Wednesday I went to another pilates session (this one involving a lot of quadriceps work; tupinan jumpboard).
billradish and
dormouse_in_tea and I went down to Pike Place Market. Unsurprisingly my legs wanted to know what exactly I was thinking with this steep slopes and lots of meandering bit.
But I didn't fall over. Or have to stop.
I'm liking this dosage. I get up and move and do novel activities and my body doesn't shriek in Uzbek at me for it. *!!*
Next week I start French. This should be interesting. Bets on whether I slip and start dropping in Russian words? Or for that matter discover I speak French with a Russian accent. >.>