So not the romantic one here.

Feb 14, 2011 18:43

Valentine's Day Agenda:

Go to physio appointment.

Boggle female friend of monkey when monkey tells her he would get beaten with them if he ever gave me a bouquet of roses*.

Get dragged out on long walk in the wind.

Go grocery shopping (be mildly amused/impressed at the guys in front of us going through the checkout counter with a bottle of white and a bundle of orchids**. Discuss freezers with checkout clerk [who is Impressed that my monkey knows that there is Lots of space in the freezer currently. Her husband might know that. Might.]).

Yeah. Maybe not the romantic one.

*: I also do not love chocolate. I will consume it (especially when filled with booze), but I do not seek it out.

**: Much more interesting than roses. Also somewhat more suggestive. Oh, flowers.
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