Writing Round-up 9/08 - 2/09 (Fall '08 + Winter '09)

Feb 23, 2009 13:38

Few days early. May add to this if necessary.

September 2008:

9/4: Wild Roses, "unseen"/crash (Hazel, Sascha)
Wild Roses, "hug"/uncharted waters (Niamh, Aodh)

9/6: Wild Roses, "thoughts"/cider on the steps (Isaac Gabriel, Midori)

9/7: that line. that one that just snapped. (Swallow's Tail, Sascha, Petrovich, Helena)

9/10: combinations/expansions of early sections of Witches' Horses: mice and messages (Ilya)
New Places, New Idiots (Sinclair and Grammont)
Enough (Sinclair and Grammont)

9/18: two heads're better'n one (Heinlein fanfic, Laz and Lor)
Some Kind of Love Song: "gold"/surprises (Arianhrod, Takashi, Madame Lehseet (The Shopkeeper))
"bitterness"/decisions made (Phoebe, Arianhrod, Takashi)
"parting regrets"/go. (Arianhrod, Takashi)
"breaking the rules"/Come, we'll go dancing-- (Takashi, Arianhrod)

October 2008:
The first 2-for-20 (two pieces of writing for twenty days) started October 16th and finished November 4th. I solicited prompts on a daily basis.

10/1: "comfort"/rituals (Phoebe and the second Ian)

2-for-20: If you're inclined to go in order written, here, have some Hazel. Hit the next entry button.

In chronological terms . . .

Wild Roses
Trickwood Unification: surprise, the human really IS crazy; all in favour?; questions and answers

before the wars: nibble, nibble; the gloating comes later

First War: it counts as a meeting; light and warmth; passing the news

Second War: one more letter, 'til we say goodbye for ever; any time tomorrow

Future Forward: upon regaining consciousness; a beginning, maybe; soft words in darkness; telltale civilzation

Spawn: after the fact; sweetgrass and smoke


Herding the Witches' Horses
Sibir: at the lake; no head for the waters of life; glory's where you find it; poink!; repurposing

the Swallow's Tail: blast from another life; just your average afternoon riot; names; smelling smoke; god save me from summer

Witches' Horses:
before Sinclair and Grammont are about in the main storyline: a beginning; a small display of fireworks; introduction; planning
in the storyline: deal


Death be not Proud
precampaign: fabric like fur

campaign: perhaps that was a bad plan; tell me something dangerous and true; old soldiers; breaking fast; blood in the water; miscalculation

postcampaign: the one that counts; porcelain

November 2008:
end of the 2-for-20, please see October's list.

December 2008:
12/03: "soft"/incense for the living (Hazel, first war, as a gift for doseki)

January 2009:
sparks request 1/19/09

Wild Roses:
The difference between timely and just in time (Phoebe & a young Ulysse)
a match struck in the dark (Takashi, Rock God days)
Fire-aligned at -40 (somewhere in the Trickwood)
family relationships (somewhere in the Trickwood)
changing assumptions
half-rotted leaves
tall grass
I eets ur hed (the ambassador from Autumn & her daughter)
secondhand boots [2] (Isael)
fuzzy scratchy blankets (Fintain & Hazel & Sascha)
red stripes (Hazel & Sascha)
piano scales played slowly (Aodh)
bear trap (Hazel & Lin)
a little grey kitten (Isael & Conall)
Herding the Witches' Horses:
a broken instrument (Falcons' Feathers, Sajal & Irina)
tasting smoke (Falcons' Feathers, Irina)
secondhand boots [1] (Sibir, Sergeievich)
reoccuring dreams (Sibir/Swallow's Tail, Helena)
nitrogen snow (le Chevalier de Grammont, Sinclair)
cats (le Chevalier de Grammont, Sinclair & Grammont)
the feeling of walking into the middle of an argument, even tho nobody's actually saying anything. (le Chevalier de Grammont, Martin & Sinclair & Grammont)
large fluffy falling snow (Swallow's Tail, Petrovich & Sascha)
Death be not Proud:
mackeral (the Morrigan)
a partially destroyed, crucial record ([Telas] De'Ath)
brass taps & oak (Eduard De'Ath & the Morrigan)
self-indulgence (the Morrigan)
the smell of salted meat frying (Nataraj, Luke & Samuil)
polished marble (Nataraj, Luke)
incandescent joy (Nataraj, Luke & Samuil)
Heroes are irritating creatures.
just hanging on 'til tomorrow
sometimes healing brings its own sort of pain

February 2009:
The second 2-for-20 kind of expanded to a fifty-in-twenty. The roundup is posted separately.

half-year collection

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