Well, it's at least a multiples-of-five month, if not a date-that-ends-in-five. Hi. I'se not ded yet.
I am, however, a creature of habit. I'm not terribly possessive of things, but I'm very habitual.
This makes slightly more sense when you know that the spout of my glass teapot was sacrificed to the gods of cleaning over the weekend, and that I spent several hours finding exactly the same one to replace it with. (This was made somewhat more difficult by the fact that the German manufactor had gone out of business sometime between '05 and now, to be resurrected as a Hungrarian manufactor whose website didn't have prices. Fortunately a Canadian kitchen site had it, too.)
As a second example, I had the hard drive and battery replaced on my 2003 era iPod, as opposed to getting a new one when it died.
For those of you who missed the burbling, I finished and posted the Bone-Witch relatively late the 31st of October. It can be found
here, in its eleven thousand word glory. (I may still be boggling at the word count on it. Just a touch.) Comments are very much appreciated on it. Demands for a DVD commentary will get handflappy but probably also results (although you need to say what things you want babble on, too).