
Oct 13, 2007 16:06


Wild Roses spark-responses:
A welcome mat. (Phoebe, Ulysse)
"But is it worth it?" (unknown)
Something belonging only to [me] (Hazel and Lin)
The only safe space in the world. (Liare, Lin)
a worn-unrecognizable stuffed. . . uh, something. (Sascha, Jonathan, Hazel)
A bottle of black dye (chaos!twins)
Crumpled sheets of paper (Sean)
Waking up and realizing it's below freezing and you're under a lot of blankets and just do NOT want to get up. (Sascha)
The taste of salt right after drinking orange juice. (Niamh)
Fault lines. (Isael)
Warm sand - texture/feeling (Sean and a Hand)
A broken mirror. (Conall and Isael)
Chess (or approximate equivalent) (Hazel and Lin)
cumin up one's nose (the docks)
A non-threatening but irritatingly incapacitating illness. (Sascha)
Liminal spaces (Yasha)
Doldrums (Niamh, Aodh)
Foreboding weather (Trickwood)
needing a haircut (Conall)
"here we go for the hunderedth time, hand grenade pins in every line" (second Joceline)
nervous waiting (Sean, The Lady)
mist and sunlight over water (unknown)
Rainbows of many different silk brocades. (Phoebe, Granmere Lehseet [the Shopkeeper])
Intricate knotting, weaving, and colored cords. (unknown)
the bite/tingle of something spicy (Isaac Gabriel)
A blanket that's still warm (Fang Yin, Aodh)
A warm bath (Hazel and Lin)
COVERED IN BEES (chaos!twins and their great-grandmother)
reflexively whacking someone with a big stick (second Joceline and Conall)
deceptive sunny blue sky coupled with shocking cold. (Trickwood)
gold leaves in a wind funnel, like gold flakes in a stream of water. (Sebastian)

Witches' Horses spark-responses:
A broken window. ([Swans])
Magma (Vasilisa)
"You sure of that?" (Witches' Horses)
a job well done ([Swans])
the sound of wind against windows (as yet unaffiliated)
polished steel (Witches' Horses)
The sound of rain against windows after a victory at great cost to you and yours. (Witches' Horses side arc [Ruslan Sergeievich])
Reflections on antique black lacquer (Falcons' Feathers)
a bone windchime (Vasilisa)
autumn sunlight through red tinted leaves (Vasilisa)
Soup of the day (Witches' Horses)
Carousel. (unknown)
Non-sequitor ([Swans])
Mushrooms (unknown)
Oppressive heat and humidity ([Swans])
bottled, over-processed & sweetened tea (Witches' Horses)

Death be not Proud spark-responses:
A painted wooden box (brothers De'Ath)
The age of rocks. (the Morrigan)
Thin ice over shallow water (the Morrigan)
a watch that won't start (the Morrigan)
the smell of wood smoke (brothers De'Ath)
wind in your hair, moving at speed (the Morrigan)

Other/unattributed/etc spark-responses:
The top of a mountain.
refractions from raindrops standing on greenery after a shower.
the abrupt realization that the old friend you have run across has, in the intervening years, spawned. (Pride, Mota)
The sounds and smells of a major industrial workshop, (hot steel, oil, hammers on hot steel) (Tanith)
the catloaf
The faint scent left in a discarded garment.
a picture frame
attack of the mosquitos
wind blown sand (Mirages, Isha, Fire-eyes)

Thank you all. Also, good lord.

Comments still very much appreciated.

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