Title: Just Pieces ’Verse/characters: Wild Roses, Etienne Sabaey Prompt: 041 “Shapes” Word Count: 268 Rating: PG for offscreen deaths and an unflattering word. Notes: First war.
*headtilt* So what holds him to Brant? Why couldn't he say what Brant wanted, then gather together family and insist that they listen? Donnel and Joveta, either of the not!kings.
What hold does Brant have? Why would it be more dangerous to tell the family?
This doesn't sound like willing compliance, on Etienne's part.
Combination of a lot of things--if nothing else, this bit is a moment of doubt, of guilt. It strikes him as Probably Very Wrong that he can do that, reduce his family to game pieces and move them around. And the power trip he gets from doing that is definitely mixed with guilt
( ... )
Thank you, I think. Is very definitely one of the sharper moments-of-doubt, on his part. Usually it shows up as hesitations, and subconscious mishandlings of the pieces.
I expect him to be the main POV piece for that side of the first war. He's easier to get inside than his brother, or Isabeau--he's just as cracked, but somehow more . . human?
Comments 4
What hold does Brant have? Why would it be more dangerous to tell the family?
This doesn't sound like willing compliance, on Etienne's part.
This is very, very well done.
I expect him to be the main POV piece for that side of the first war. He's easier to get inside than his brother, or Isabeau--he's just as cracked, but somehow more . . human?
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