meme - 20 Random Things About Me

Oct 05, 2005 14:01

caught from merditha

1. My father did citizen exchanges in the 1980's with the USSR, acting as a chaperone for US teenagers going to the USSR, and a host parent for USSR teenagers visiting the states. This meant that we had Russian houseguests on a regular basis. When I was twelve, the phone rang at roughly ten in the evening (right by my head) and when I answered it, I was greeted by a paragraph of internationally connected Russian. This made a lasting impression, as I couldn't tell the caller that the guest they were trying to reach had gone on to San Francisco. So I learned Russian, several years later, and was at one point semifluent.

2. I read Very Quickly. A normal paperback book takes me less than three hours.

3. Evanescence's song Going Under always makes me flash back to a Versailles-era French house (stone tiled floors and Doom!stairs and everything), the music turned up loud enough that the tiles were pulsing gently.

4. I've done woodworking, knife-making, forging, basic plumbing, basic electrician work, lapidary (stone cutting for jewelry), silversmithing, wax sculpture with intent to cast, basic piano, basic hammered dulcimer and amateur massage, all in the ages between eleven and twenty.

5. My father (who learned to cook in self defense from his own mother) chased me into the kitchen at nine years old and gave me a once a week total responsibility for making dinner.

6. I was described as the girlfriend of a seventy eight year old man for four months when I was eighteen.

7. The same man was responsible for my knifemaking and forging experience. Also my introduction to tai chi (and the weapons involved), horseback riding and the fact that I can ballroom dance.

8. I am a hard lead in dancing.

9. I fish my teabags out of teapots with chopsticks.

10. I have a scar in the webbing between my second and third fingers on my right hand, from an Incident with a Frying Pan when I was three.

11. I file my fingernails into points.

12. I have no particular canines; used 'em as tools too often when I was little.

13. I have no problem with spinning the truth--just suppose that I am reasonably intelligent and spin accordingly.

14. People are often convinced I am five foot eight or five foot nine. I am five foot six.

15. I tend to assume people aren't interested when it comes to things to do with me.

16. "Tae" is my official work name. This amuses me immensely, as it ain't my birth name.

17. I can silence a crowded coffeshop by not!yelling. My voice Carries.

18. I often judge handbags by whether or not I can fit a weight into them.

19. I like layering clothing. Often the closer to my skin, the brighter the color, unless I am having a Day. Then the cirque du soleil teeshirt and the Orange Skirt get broken out. Or the Bright Red corderoy trenchcoat.

20. My russian handwriting is better than my english.


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