Probably not in the best possible way but alive, which is still good, right?! Right, well to keep you updated, I've been feeling a bit sick for a bit over a week so, lab test and again Kidney infection... bleh. That's what happens when according to the doctors, I have a structural problem present by the moment of my birth... which in not doctor speakign means my kidney wasn't properly formed (not completly more like it) and the tube conecting the kidneys to the rest is small. So meds again and all that jazz. BUT most importantly I am taking care of it once again and is very likely it'll appear again, I just need to take care of mysef, drink lots of water and go to the doc as well as have regulart tests just in case.
Now on the plus side, since I couldt so much today trying to rest and recover... I... get ready for this... I collaged! *gasps* Yes I did LOL so shocking, and to be honest for not having done it for over a year, I actually like the result. Which you can view here:
Bones Collage.
Also is Bones because I lost most of my pics in the last computer crash and I don't have any of anything else... So if anyone wants to share pics, I'll be happy to get them :D
ANyone has comments about the collage am more than happy to get them.
Have a great week my dear flist!