Aug 25, 2008 22:10
So first day back at work after a MONTH away, and what happens my boss was royalty pissed off oen of the days I wasn't there, and the reason.... she used odl cd's with old files to finish a proyect... why for the love of GOD would she asked me to burn new cd's put them in the drawer of my desk and leave them there for her to pick them up.. IF SHE WAS NOT GOING TO GET THEM!!!!
*head desk*
Seriously My boss and the new girl had to work one day til midnight becuase she NEVER picked up those cd's!! they used old files and now am a bad worker because of that.
The worst part: If I were to mention to her that mistake, thigns could go horribly and even worst!!!!
So I've decided to take a Zen attitud towards this, and not even mention the other cd's to her because the anger will rise again and ... you know? I want to avoid this altogether. And now I have to be superc areful and even though am human, I cannot make ANY kind of mistakes... AT ALL. Apparently am not allowed to be human at work anymore. Oh and also, I am totally aware that I've taken a LONG time away from work, I offered lots of times to work from home during my time off, but my boss refused, I know I shouldn0t take any vacations or time off because theat'd be abuse. But seriously I KNEW that, I didnt' relay need to be told I cannot take time off. Am not stupid and also why on earth would she tell me that if she's nto there I should cover my schedule time.. WTF? I mean seriously I've never EVER take advantage of her not beign at work, only thing I might do is go at 6 and not stay longer, that's the extent of my taking advantage of not boss at the office... seriously where teh fck did that came from?
Ok but seriously, Zen! *deep breath*
I have no idea wtf happened whiel I was gone but I seriously have no idea where this all came from, but it looks like me being there helped to ease her a bit, I just hope it keeps getting better because this allw as ridiculous... seriously!