About heart attack my dad just had, he went to his check up after leaving the hospital, he's doing ok but must take his meds and take A LOT of care of himself, do excersice and eat healthy, now lets hope he actually do that. And it looks like he will.
Also my Muse attacked me today and I made Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
am nto ery keen on the 3rd one but here they go anyway.
Last, I was attked by movie crazyness... went to blockbuster with the intention of getting last Freinds seasons am missing to get them all, but the oen I was looking for weren't there, so I ended up buyng BBC documentary on Awschwits for my dad, also BBC Pride and Prejudice miniseries, Bough Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (hence the iconing), Brokeback Mountain, and a french movie called The Eighth Day.
Also my dad got Citizen Kate, The Unforgiven and a chinese movie I can't recall the name.
Adding to that I had bought mexican movie that I liked quite a lot for people close or over 30 years old :p Efectos Secundarios (Side Effects) and I still have half CSI S1 to watch.
SO much to do and such a little time to do it!