Nov 04, 2005 09:40
after work dissaster yesterday at noon, am back at work and this week has been extraordinary long!!!
I should really pay incredible attention to what I'm doing or another emergency at work might occur, and I don't want to end up being fired for printing the wrong numbre of leaflets which ends with the result of owner paying lots of money O_o
But on happier news this week I had new eps of House and CSI SO tv diet is over, finally but I was going nuts!!!
And on even more happiers news Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire tickets go on sale today, so will make a stop at the movie theater to get mine.
So anyway must work, sadly... someone should make the week work last less and the weekend be lot longer, seriously need more than two days, at least need one more, or even better make days longer so I'd have time for myself, my house and sleep and yet have time for work.
harry potter